Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Need Conversation

It's overwhelming how much people need, isn't it? I know some people need more than others, but still, everyone needs a lot of things. Just think of something you need.

I would say the main thing people need is money. "Money can't buy you happiness." Well, I think it can if you're in the right circumstance. You can't depend on that alone, of course, but it would make me happy. And if not money, then what else is a universal solver? Love? Friendship? I can tell you one thing, I am glad I am one of the people who is in need of money instead of needing friendship or love.

That thought was sprung from a brief conversation I had with one of my friends recently, but her thought went something like, "It's overwhelming how many people need." I, being superficial, changed it to "how much I need" instead of "how many people need." If you knew the exact number of people on the planet, you would know exactly how many people need because we are all in need of something. A car, a house, more money, a jacket, a blanket, food, a pillow, a friend, a family.

I think what most of us need (whether we know it or not) is to meet other's needs. It's gratifying, and yet, how little we actually do it. What does that say about you and me? We can do it everyday, if not in a big, meaningful way, at least in a small way. Helping out our friend with a project, taking care of something you know no one else will, talking to someone who you don't really want to spend time talking to but you know it will help. A lot of people just need your attention and time. Can you give it?

The hardest thing to do is give your family what they need. I'm not talking about providing the essentials for them, but just being there for them on the everyday. The people you are closest to, the people no one else will see you give to, are the hardest people to be kind to and generous with.

If I could provide a need, would I be okay seeing someone else get what they needed and not me? Would I be okay with that? Would it come back around? Would I be okay if it didn't?

The way I see it, the one thing everyone needs is love. If you love someone, truly, not just because you have to, then you will meet their needs. If you love people, then strangers will get what they need as well. This Presidency of Obama is trying to promote human kindness, unity and understanding. However, it's more about a hope in Humanity than in one man. It will take all of us to meet the need of our country and each other individually. I'll work on that.

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